Minnesota Watercolor Society Meetings 2024

We’re Here for You!

The Minnesota Watercolor Society will be have live meetings and Zoom programming to members for the 2024 season online.

Programs are held the second Thursday of the month September–May.

Spring and Fall Member Show Reception Programming & Special Event Programming may be scheduled at an alternate date & time.

Dates and Times will post to The MNWS website and Facebook Page prior to events.

Members will be notified of special programming, also available on the website and Facebook page.

Members are encouraged to exhibit their latest works in our mini show each month.  After the 8:00 demonstration break, one piece will be selected for a critique to be shared with all attendees.  Artists who would like to be considered for a critique should place a post-it note on their work.  All mini show participants may enter their name in a drawing for a door prize.

Upcoming Meetings

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